Welcome to st4lwolf.org st4lwolf.org 90s 🪩

A student who shares his thoughts and projects on this site :D

As someone involved in the world of opensource and free software, I'm determined to contribute to an open community based on the values of freedom of thought, peace, communication and collaboration.

As a defender of the environment and convinced that if our technological resources were used to drive a more sustainable future, I strive to promote and implement sustainable solutions for the environment and for people, while remaining vigilant and attentive to identify the potential risks that digital evolution could bring.

With this in mind, I've been involved in a number of projects.
I also have my own project, called Phoen, which aims to find a way of living in a world that is more respectful of environmental issues and digital security. You can find out more on its website.

✉️​ Need to get in touch with me?

go to contact & social medias ➡️​